Meet Our Team!

I’m Michael, from just south of Annapolis, Maryland, and I am currently working on a degree in Finance at Salisbury University. I vastly prefer the winter to the summer, but you can never go wrong with hiking or rock climbing or even just a relaxing swim. I am a born and raised Catholic who was an altar server and sacristan through my years in high school. I also was a peer minister during that time for our Confirmation program as well as a Faith Formation aide/catechist. During Covid, I dove deeper into my faith and really found a strong devotion to St. Michael, and I did a consecration to Our Blessed Mother this past summer. I look forward to getting to know each of our campers this summer and sharing a bit of my faith as we build each of theirs through the camp experience.

Hi everyone! My name is Anna and I am from the beautiful mountain state of…West Virginia! I just graduated from Christendom College this May with a double major in Theology and English Language & Literature. As a cradle Catholic, I’ve been blessed to learn about the Faith all my life. I’m incredibly grateful for my Dad being a visible representation of God’s love in my life and for my Mom’s passion in sharing the Faith. I love spending time in Adoration, face-to-face with Jesus, and I admire Saint Gianna in her example of living a life of joy and charity. I love to tent camp with my family and enjoy the beauty of God’s creation in the mountains. I am so very excited to be at Camp Carlo this summer and I look forward to meeting all of you!
Hi! My name is Maggie. I am originally from Proctorville, Ohio. I will be a junior at Marshall University in Huntington, West Virginia, in the fall, where I major in both Musical Theatre and Business Management. I love singing, dancing, musicals, books, coffee, hiking, and spending time with my friends and family. I am the eighth of ten children, and my family is very important to me. I love meeting new people and making friends! This will be my second summer as a counselor at Camp Carlo, and I am so excited to return! I am a cradle Catholic and my Catholic faith is a crucial part of my life. It brings me so much joy to share that with campers. My patron saint is Saint Maria Goretti because she is a great example of purity, strength, and mercy. She showed that we are never too young or simple to be a saint and is also one of the patron saints of young people! I love the saints and Mary, and one of my favorite things to do is take a Rosary walk. I had the best time last summer, and I hope to give campers the same amazing experience I’ve had at camp!

I am the eldest of 7 from Front Royal, VA. I just finished up my freshman year at Christendom College, and I’m planning on taking a gap year after which I hope to transfer to Ave Maria in Florida. I love many types of sports, and I love to swing and ballroom dance (especially waltz and rhumba). I was born and raised a staunch Roman Catholic and my Faith is very important to me and my family. We like to pray the Rosary almost daily as a family every evening. My Confirmation saint was St. Francis Xavier, but my favorite saints are St. Sebastian (my namesake) and St. Don Bosco. I like St. Sebastian especially because he is the patron saint of athletes and sports. I like St. Don Bosco because he is the patron saint of boys and also because of all the work he did with young boys and helping them with their lives. I am looking forward to Camp Carlo to meet everyone at the camp and have a fun summer both doing stuff I enjoy (such as sports and physical activity) as well as learning how to lead and instruct by example.

My name is Thomas. I am a resident of the eastern panhandle of West Virginia and a rising sophomore attending Christendom College. I come from a family of twelve kids, and enjoy a variety of activities, ranging from camping to solving Rubik’s cubes. I’ve been a Catholic since I was baptized as an infant, and my faith has certainly grown since. For me, the Church’s rich history over the centuries and abundance of beautiful teachings piqued my interest enough to dive deeper into my Faith. This has taught me of many inspirational figures, such as my favorite saint, St. Francis Xavier, who was one of the greatest missionaries to exist. I am excited to work as a counselor at Camp Carlo as it will provide the opportunity to further develop my faith as I interact with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ (and potentially learn horseback riding). I can’t wait to meet you all this summer!

My name is Katrina and I am from San Antonio, TX. I just completed my second year as a Music Education student at WVU and I love my new home here in West Virginia! I enjoy reading, going on walks, rain, and having a good laugh with friends! I am a cradle Catholic from a big Catholic family and my faith is what I live for. While I spent a few years away from the Church and in love with the world, I was deeply miserable during that time. Through the diligent prayers of many, known and unknown, I came to know God’s everlasting love for me as His beloved daughter, and returned to the Church one year ago. I am excited to be at Camp Carlo this summer and witness to God’s enduring mercy and love for us all! I have always loved teaching others and I am honored to be a part of the education of our Catholic youth.
I am from a small town called Brush Valley, Pennsylvania. I am currently pursuing a degree in Wildlife and Fisheries Resources at West Virginia University. I love sewing, embroidering, shooting archery and rifle, and hiking. I discovered the beauty and truth of Catholicism through my high school religion classes and I made the firm decision that I wanted to be Catholic over three years ago. I was baptized and confirmed at the Easter Vigil this year after much waiting and many trials. Over the past three years, I have come to know Christ’s presence and love in the Eucharist and it is because of His love in the Most Blessed Sacrament that I have been able to persevere in Faith. I have a strong love for and devotion to daily Mass and Adoration. I am so excited to be at Camp Carlo this summer to help all of our campers come to know Christ in the Eucharist and the joy and peace He offers each and every one of us through the Sacraments.

Hi, I am Luke. I live in WV and I love hiking, running, airplanes, playing any ‘backyard’ sport, tent camping, building fires, and just spending time outside. I am planning on graduating from Franciscan University of Steubenville with a bachelor’s degree in Engineering or Science. I love the Catholic Faith because it is the truth. It has very logical answers to the things that are hard to understand. Some of my favorite devotions are the Rosary, Holy Hour, and the devotion to “The Holy Face of Jesus.” I also really enjoy going to Mass, though truth be told I do get easily distracted. My Confirmation saint is St. Camillus de Lellis. He is my favorite saint (besides Mary and Joseph) because of the courage and humility it took him to overcome “self” and win the Glory of Heaven. I am excited to share my excitement for the Faith and nature with the campers and hope they will have a life changing encounter with Christ. Spending this summer leading and having a blast with the campers will definitely be life changing for me!

Hello! My name is Gentry, and I am so excited to serve as your camp counselor this year. I am a junior at Marshall University in Huntington, West Virginia, where I double-major in Philosophy and Latin. With this degree, I hope to attend a post-graduate program to earn a Juris Doctorate in law and a PhD in philosophy. I am one of three children from a Protestant household and a convert to the faith. My patron saint is a Blessed: Bl. John Dun Scotus, whom I admire greatly for his sophisticated defense of our Mother Mary’s Immaculate Conception, which, to me, shows his sensitivity and fidelity to the faith. Scotus was a Franciscan, an order which I admire for its aim to truly live out the idea that the most prominent capacity in man is his will in loving, especially loving God and neighbor. I enjoy hiking, reading, drinking coffee (it has to be dark roast and plain), spending time with good company, and games. I love meeting new people and having meaningful conversations with them, so please come chat if you see me! I am so excited for what the Lord has in store for everyone this summer, and I especially look forward to meeting you.

Hello! My name is Morgan. I am a student at WVU and I attend St. John’s University Parish where I have grown in my faith this past year. I have lived all over the place from New Mexico, Wyoming, Alaska, California, and now in between West Virginia and Michigan where my family resides. Being Catholic and my relationship with God is the most important thing in my life, and coming to college and being revived in the faith has been wonderful in many ways. As a psychology major, I have a great devotion to St. Dymphna, patroness of those suffering with anxiety and depression, as well as to Our Lady, Undoer of Knots, who has gotten me through many hard times. St. John the Beloved is my patron saint and I look to him every day for his testament of faith and hope in God’s plan. I look forward to spending my summer at Camp Carlo growing in love for the Lord and His church. St. Dymphna, St. John the Beloved, Our Lady, Undoer of Knots, and Blessed Carlo Acutis, pray for us!
Hey everyone! My name is Delaney, and I am thrilled to be a part of the Camp Carlo team once again this year. I had an amazing experience at camp last year and felt a strong desire to return this year to help spread God’s message. Camp Carlo has a unique way of incorporating everyday activities with God’s love and power, and I’m excited to share this with everyone this year. I’m looking forward to spending the summer with all of you and growing in our faith together! See you soon, God Bless!

Hi! My name is Joshua and I’m excited to be your counselor this summer! I’m from Virginia but now live in the beautiful mountain state of West Virginia! I love the outdoors and the peace that God gives us through His creation. I love working in ministry and hope that I can help in your journey to Christ! My favorite saint has always been Saint Padre Pio because of his passion for God and how he trusted Christ no matter what he went through.

Hi. My name is Greg, and I’m the 7th of 9 children with 4 brothers and 4 sisters. My favorite color is blue, and my patron saint is Saint Francis of Assisi. I have been going to Camp Wade since I was eight and I am excited to be a Camp Carlo counselor again. Some of my favorite activities to do at Camp Carlo are camping, swimming, hiking and ziplining. This is my second year as a counselor at Camp Carlo. I learned so much about who I am and my faith in my first year of being a counselor. I’m excited to meet all the campers again this year.

I grew up near Charles Town, WV, as the second of twelve children on a rambling, wooded property that was the foundation of my love of nature. I’m currently a rising senior at Christendom College in Front Royal, VA, where I’m majoring in English Language and Literature and minoring in History. I love being able to attend a Catholic college because it allows me to express my Faith freely and facilitates my ability to attend daily Mass and frequent Confession, which are some of my favorite parts of the day. I love being able to learn about the Faith and help teach it to others to help bring them closer to Christ. I’m super excited to be at Camp Carlo this summer so that I can help spread my love and knowledge of the Faith to the campers who will be joining us this summer!